Happy Gudi Padwa Date 2017 Festival Information, Celebration | Alienture हिन्दी


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Thursday 28 September 2017

Happy Gudi Padwa Date 2017 Festival Information, Celebration

Happy Gudi Padwa Date 2017: Gudi Padwa marks the starting of the New Year to the Maharashtrians. The development of a new year heralds new hopes, new dreams and greater opportunity of opulence and wish fulfillment and so it is commemorated with a lot of joy and pompousness throughout Maharashtra.

Happy Gudi Padwa Date 2017
Gudi, meaning Brahma's flag (Brahmadhvaj), is hosted by people on the day of GudiPadwa, as a sign of triumph of good over evil. It is also trusted to ward off the evil impact and bring opulence and good luck into the house.

Gudi is made by tying a bright green or yellow cloth, decorated with brocade (zari), to a long bamboo. Over the cloth, gathi (a type of sweet), neem leaves, a twig of mango leaves and a garland of red flowers is tied.

Afterwards, a silver or copper pot is placed over it in inverted position. Later, the Gudi is hosted on the window or on the gate. The floor before Gudi is decorated with Rangoli, made of a particular powder of soft, white stone. Lastly, it is worshipped, while offering veneration to the flag of Lord Brahma.

Whatever be the state in which the fete is commemorated and whatever be its name, its importance as well as the scale of celebration surrounding it remains the same.

Following to Hindu mythology, on the day of GudiPadwa, Brahma made the universe. It is also trusted that it was on this day that Lord Rama killed Bali. It is one of the three and a half days in the Hindu calendar when ever and each moment of the day is favorable.

Unrestrained merriment marks the festivity of GudiPadwa. There are some rituals and customs that are related with the festivity of this fete. A bamboo staff or gudhi is bond in front of the house.  A new cloth is then tied to the gudhi.

 A blazing garlanded vessel is hung on top of it. This is symbolic of success. This gudhi is devotedly worshipped and the Prasad is spread among all the members of the family.  The Prasad that you will get in any of the Maharashtra households on the moment of GudiPadwa is very divergent.

It is created out of tender Neem leaves, tamarind, Ajwain, gram-pulse and jaggery. Following to famous credence, this Prasad strengthens your immunity system and you can fight malady better. Later waking up prior in the morning, people clean their homes and adorn the floors with beautifully drawn Rangolis.

Some even prefer to keep a pot with coconuts, flowers and mango leaves just outdoors their home. They clad themselves in new dress as well. Tasteful sweet dishes like shrikhand and jalebis are savored by the people. The passion and excitement of the people at the moment of festivity of GudiPadwa in Maharashtra is great.

The GudiPadwa is commemorated following to the Hindu calendar. Padwa refers to the first day of the Hindu Lunar month. It falls on the first day of the month of Chaitra.

Happy Gudi Padwa Facts
1. GudiPadwa is the first day of Chaitra month that marks the starting off the New Year following to lunisolar Hindu calendar.

2. It has various names such as SamvatsarPadvo, Yugadi, Ugadi, Cheti Chand or and Navreh. It is also commemorated in the North Eastern state of Manipur and is called as SajibuNongmaPanbaCheiraoba. The people plan a diversity of cuisines on this day and after climbing an around hillock in the evening.

3. India is a mainly agrarian society where agriculture is the main occupation. GudiPadwa is one of the most popular harvesting fetes of India that marks the end of one season and starting of a new one.

4. On this day the position of the Sun is above the point of interchange of the equator, which following to the Hindu calendar marks the commencement of the Spring Season.

5. Mythologically, this day too festivity the defeat of Ravana in the hands of Lord Rama and his ultimate happy return to Ayodhya.

6. Maharashtra’s Great Warrior, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, was the person who begun the GudiPadwa festivity later his triumph. The heritage of raising the Gudi was begun by Shivaji and from then on has been followed by each Marathi household to welcome the New Year.

7. The Gudi is noticeable at the entry of Maharashtra in households. So what is it? A Gudi is a stick protect in a blazing cloth decorated with brocade or zari that has been topped with sugar crystals, neem leaves, twig of mango leaves and a garland of red flowers. This is protected by a silver or copper pot in an inverted position.

8. The celebration is notice by people engaging in spring cleaning and wearing new clothes. Families are supposed to be starting this day by eating bittersweet leaves of neem tree or a paste which is planned with neem leaves, jaggery and tamarind. The paste is trusted to purify blood and strengthen the body’s immune system.

9. The culture Maharashtra in food fare for this day consists of Shrikhand and Puri and PuranPoli. The Konkanis make Kanangachi Kheer which is a sweet dish created of sweet potato, coconut milk, jaggery and rice.

10. Buying gold, new vehicle or anything new is considered to bring opulence if done on this day.

There is a custom of making a paste. Neem leaves, jiggery, tamarind and salt are used to form the paste. They start the fete later eating this paste.

Harvest Festival: 
Gudi Padwa is a harvest fete. India is mainly an agricultural nation. Fetes are typically associated to the starting and finish of the agricultural seasons. GudiPadwa marks the end of the Rabi season.

This day has its own special significance, especially among the Hindus. It is the trust that on this day, Lord Brahma made the Universe. So, a devotee takes a holy oil bath, which is considered favorable.
This day is also commemorated to mark the coronation ceremony of Lord Rama. Lord Rama returned to Ayodhya later spending fourteen years in exile.

The festivity of the GudiPadwa Fete is associated with opulence and well-being. Everything looks blazing and vibrant. People wear culture garments on this day.

The day starts with prayers. Then, interchange of sweets and presents takes place between relations and friends.  It is also a day of feasting.

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