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Wednesday 13 December 2017

[1000+] Sad Status Quotes Shayari SMS Messages Msg Lines

Sad Status Quotes Shayari SMS Messages Msg Lines: almost all type of sad status you might be searching on Google. We always make round up post on all type of emotion you might have to express on social media.

[1000+] Sad Status Quotes Shayari SMS Messages Msg Lines

Sad Status Quotes Shayari SMS Messages Msg Lines

901. When I tell you that I will miss you, it does not mean I will never get over you. It just means I wish I did not have to.

902. You will meet many people, but very few will you trust.

903. There are days that make you feel like there is no happiness on the horizon.

904. Love is like broken glass better to leave it broken then hurt yourself trying to fix it.

905. Teddy is do not hug back but sometimes they are all you have got.

906. Depression on my left, Loneliness on my right. They do not need to show me their badges. I know these guys very well.

907. Every day, I fight the urge to text you or call you, telling myself that if you wanted to talk to me, you would.

908. There is nothing more depressing than having it all and still feeling sad.

909. An angel opened the book of life and wrote down my baby’s birth. And whispered as she closed it “Too beautiful for earth”.

910. Everyone has a time to stand with their head held high, everyone has a time to break down and cry.

911. The scariest part of life is not when you slip and fall. It’s not when you realize you are falling with no one to catch you. It’s when you realize you are at your most vulnerable and you are completely and utterly alone.

912. It is really sad how one day I will seem to have everything going right then the next day I will lose everything so fast.

913. It still hurts to see that you are doing completely okay, without me.

914. Time does not heal wounds, it just makes them old enough that you get used to the pain.

915. Always the friend but never the girl.

916. When I do something great, no one ever seems to remember, but when I do something wrong, no one can ever seem to forget.

917. Sometimes a plan is just a list of things that do not happen.

918. Life is like a video game. Only, there is no reset button.

919. Life is not fair. It’s just fairer than death, that’s all.

920. No matter how loves ends, it always finds a way to end with a tear.

921. The worst feeling is pretending you do not care about something, when it’s all you seem to think about.

922. Sometimes all you want to do is stay quiet just to find out who cares about you enough to ask you why.

923. Memories are wonderful to make, but sometimes painful to remember depending on what they are.

924. Laugh, and the world laughs with you cry, and you cry alone.

925. I fell in love with you when you were forming in my womb, an now I carry you in my heart instead of my arms.

926. My pain turned to sadness and my sadness to anger. My anger grew into hate and I have forgotten how to smile.

927. The sun can rise and set. If your sun had set, do not worry. I am your moon. I can give you a light through the darkness.

928. All you ever did was make me cry. May be one day you will realize that you had a good girl in your life.

929. I die every day, every second without you.

930. That moment when you are completely falling apart and nobody notices.

931. Walking in the shadows. Running from my fears. Thinking about what I lost. I am blinded by my tears.

932. All unhappiness is due to wrong expectations.

933. Do not be too close to anyone, memory brings you tears.

934. When you are in love and you get hurt, it’s like a cut. It will heal, but there will always be a scar.

935. Hiding your feelings is not the easy way out but sometimes it’s the only thing you can do.

936. I like walking in the rain, because no one knows I am crying.

937. Spiteful words can hurt your feelings, but silence breaks the heart.

938. Nothing is more depressing than despite the fact of having it all but still feeling empty.

939. Not everyone has a happy ending. I guess that did not includes me until, until. Until I saw you with her.

940. Got to keep myself calm but the truth is you are gone and I will never get to show you these songs.

941. Nothing hurts more than realizing you hurt the one you care most about.

942. I will be okay someday. Someday I will not miss you. One day I will be able to think of you without crying. But today just is not that day.

943. Without sad moments in life you would not know what the happy moments are.

944. I made you my everything, then you said goodbye and I had nothing.

945. No one will ever know, the pain I feel inside.

946. Over and over I tried and over and over I cried and I do not know why.

947. Crying is how your body speaks when your mouth cannot explain the pain you feel.

948. It is hard to wait for something you know will never happen, but it’s harder to stop if you know it’s everything you have always wanted.

949. The saddest time in life is when you look back at how happy someone made you and you never let them know.

950. It seems like you have a new start, but for me it’s all over, in the middle of nowhere.

951. Sorry I could not be your first choice but you were mine. Even though the girl you like, likes you and someone else, I only have feelings for you. Sorry that I care so much.

952. Only a broken heart can understand another broken heart.

953. You said you cared about me and you said in your vows we shall stay together till we die then why did you leave me.

954. I might not be the best but I will be the best to love you more than anyone else.

955. Pain does not hurt when it’s all you have ever felt.

956. There is sometimes when someone hurts you so bad that you are afraid to ever open the doors of your heart again.

957. The person you love is the one who will hurt you most.

958. I have learned now that while those who speak about one’s miseries usually hurt, those who keep silence hurt more.

959. You asked me what was wrong, I smiled and said nothing, when you turned around and a tear came down and I whispered to myself everything is.

960. Love is Rare, Life is Strange; Nothing Lasts, People Change.

961. Sometimes you got to smile and walk away hold your tears in and pretend you are ok.

962. I think what I need more than anything else in the world is to be told that a friend does not know what they would do without me.

963. There is nothing sadder than the moment you realize what could have been.

964. Everyone wants to be happy, no one want to be in pain but you cannot have a rainbow without any rain.

965. Whenever I am alone, sadness calls me for his companion.

966. Sometimes people runaway, just to see if anyone cares enough to follow.

967. You say you love me but then you go back to her n I am left waiting for you to mean it.

968. It is sad that no one notices when you are truly sad, but when you are angry and throw a fit, everyone feels the need to point it out.

969. We always thought we would look back on our tears and laugh, but we never thought we would look back on our laughter and cry.

970. The saddest moment in life when, you treat your girl like a queen, and she treats you like a slave instead of a king.

971. Do not let yourself get down through sadness. There is always a new hope.

972. The truth is, you do not love me, you do not miss me, and you do not care because if you did, I will not be this lonely even though we are together.

973. I try so hard to keep you happy, but all you do is bring me down.

974. The people that can laugh the most have been hurt the mos.

975. The hardest part in ending a relationship is not the feeling of letting go, but going through every damn day and remembering it.

976. Truth is, I miss you. I miss the way you held me, the way you told me you loved me, I miss it all.

977. I will follow my brain even though it might be against my heart.

978. Crying does not always mean your weak sometimes it just means you care.

979. Sometimes, you have to accept the fact that some people are going to stay in your hearts forever even if you are long ago gone in their hearts.

980. I do not run away I walk away slowly and it kills me to know you do not care enough to follow me.

981. Everyone has a best friend, mine is the rain because it hides the tears.

982. You can lie to the whole world but you cannot lie to yourself.

983. Life is like a dream sometimes it is good, and sometimes it is bad, but in the end it is all over.

984. I am looking at the road where you walked away.

985. Life is life: no short cuts no nothing. We have to go through it all.

986. My love drown me into the river of my own tears.

987. Once, I said there would always be room for you in my heart but, now that you filled it up with hurt and scars I just cannot fit you anymore.

988. Sad thing is: When they say ‘forever’ they mean, until they find someone better.

989. Take your time, I am only dying.

990. You never really miss someone until they are really gone.

991. You never know true pain until you look in the eyes of someone you love and they look away.

992. If you have not lived my life, suffered my pain, enjoyed my happiness, walked my path, seen what I have seen, then you cannot judge me or my pain.

993. I like these quotes. A lot of bad things have been happening to me, and I think that they are making me feel better.

994. They said laughter is the best medicine but sometimes tears can heal better.

995. The saddest part in life is when you find the right person who means a lot to you, only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and you just have to let it go.

996. I just think of your arms wrapped around me and I cannot help but start crying.

997. The only thing in life you regret are the thing you do not do.

998. The saddest thing in the world is having to live with no one by your side.

999. I hate when I have to pretend to be happy on the outside, when really I am burning with pain on the inside.

1000. Crying sometimes is the only thing that makes me feel better.

Sad Status Quotes Shayari SMS Messages Msg Lines

Related Tags: Sad Status, Sad Quotes, Sad Shayari, Sad SMS, Sad Messages, Sad Msg, Sad Lines, Sad Images

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