Top 50 Ayn Rand Status in Hindi 2019 | Alienture हिन्दी


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Wednesday 8 May 2019

Top 50 Ayn Rand Status in Hindi 2019

Top 20 Ayn Rand Status in Hindi 2019

Top 50 Ayn Rand Status in Hindi 2019

The man who does not value himself, cannot value anything or anyone.

I don’t wish to be the symbol of anything. I’m only myself.

Learn to value yourself, which means: to fight for your happiness.

Sacrifice does not mean the rejection of the worthless, but of the precious.

The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.

When I die, I hope to go to Heaven, whatever the Hell that is.

The more you learn, the more you know that you know nothing.

Wealth is the product of man’s capacity to think.

Never think of pain or danger or enemies a moment longer than is necessary to fight them.

But why should you care what people will say? All you have to do is please yourself.

To say “I love you” one must know first how to say the “I”.

The money will not purchase happiness for the man who has no concept of what he wants.

Self-respect is something that can’t be killed. The worst thing is to kill a man’s pretense at it.

The truth is not for all men but only for those who seek it.

If you don’t know, the thing to do is not to get scared, but to learn.

Anyone who fights for the future lives in it today.

A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others.

Integrity is the ability to stand by an idea.

But you see, the measure of hell you’re able to endure is the measure of your love.

Art is a selective re-creation of reality according to artists metaphysical value judgments.

Ayn Rand’s philosophy, Objectivism, begins by embracing the basic fact that existence exists. Reality is, and in the quest to live we must discover reality’s nature and learn to act successfully in it.

To exist is to be something, to possess a specific identity. This is the Law of Identity: A is A. Facts are facts, independent of any consciousness. No amount of passionate wishing, desperate longing or hopeful pleading can alter the facts. Nor will ignoring or evading the facts erase them: the facts remain, immutable.

In Rand’s philosophy, reality is not to be rewritten or escaped, but, solemnly and proudly, faced. One of her favorite sayings is Francis Bacon’s: “Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed.”

Reality — that which exists — has no alternatives, no competitors, nothing “transcending” it. To embrace existence is to reject all notions of the supernatural and the mystical, including God.

Despite the hype around the conference, Rand, who was born in St. Petersburg on Feb. 2, 1905, largely remains an obscure figure in her hometown.

There is no museum dedicated to her life in the city, no street named in her honor and no plaque proudly stating where she lived or studied.

While she is a household name in the United States, where she emigrated as a young adult and rose to become a best-selling author and conservative icon, most people in Russia admit they have never heard of her or read her work.

Her philosophy — which preaches radical self-reliance and individualism —  ensured that her works didn’t make it onto local bookshelves until well after the fall of the Soviet Union.

“I can’t think of a more dedicated anti-communist than Ayn Rand,” says Yaron Brook, the chairman of the U.S.-based Ayn Rand Institute, who is on a whirlwind global tour to promote the author.

“She dedicated her life to that. And she wrote the most powerful anti-communist books.”

By the time her books were translated into Russian in the late 1990s, much of the nation had become disillusioned with the painful transition to capitalism. Rand’s holy grail — the free market — was seen as the primary cause of the decade’s inequality, hyperinflation and financial collapse.

Anastasia Grigorovskaya, a Russian literary scholar who specializes in the author's work, says Rand continues to be sidelined in her native country as a result.

“There are many stereotypes in Russia about her, like that her ideas are social Darwinist or fascist,” she says.

“Russia does not remember Ayn Rand. We need to bring her back.”

Now, after 20 years of rule under President Vladimir Putin, that moment might have arrived, as many young Russians turn to ideas like libertarianism and authors like Rand in their search for political alternatives. Irina Antonova, marketing director of Alpina Publishing Group, which distributes Rand's books in Russia, says sales of "Atlas Shrugged" were up 40 percent in 2018 compared to 2017.

"In general, we really feel Rand’s increased popularity," Antonova says. "It seems to me that her ideas are becoming popular again, primarily due to the current political and economic situation in the country."

Andrei Shalnev, the organizer of Saturday’s event, says that the writer’s popularity, especially among the youth, has exploded in the years since the first Ayn Rand birthday conference was held in St. Petersburg in 2014. In fact, the 30-year-old organizer, who wears a trim beard and spectacles, is among the oldest figures in the conference hall.

"More and more young people are becoming interested in the ideas of freedom,” he says.

At the first events, around 50 to 70 people would show up, Shalnev says, and it was mostly an inside affair. This year, he boasts, more than 600 people registered as attendees at the door.

“If there is any future for Russia, then it will only be possible thanks to the ideas of Ayn Rand,” he adds.

According to Shalnev, who is an elected deputy for the Libertarian Party of Russia in the Moscow region, many young people are discovering Ayn Rand’s works after becoming interested in politics, and, specifically, libertarianism.

“Libertarianism is one of the most popular opposition movements among young people today. It has grown from the ground up, from zero to where it is today,” he says.

Shalnev’s optimism may be exaggerated, however, as the party has a total membership of around 1,000 and only two members elected to office nationwide.

The conference has brought together young people of all stripes to the right of the political center, including anarcho-capitalists, gun enthusiasts and followers of opposition leader Alexei Navalny.

They are united by two things: their support for the free market and an aversion to big government.

Georgy, a 20-year-old sporting an iconic red “Make America Great Again” baseball cap, describes himself as a right-wing conservative and expresses concern about what he calls the spread of leftist ideas in the West.

"If there was a Russian Trump then I would vote for him, but he doesn't exist," he adds with a shrug.

Meanwhile, Kirill, a 22-year-old economics student, says he’s never read Rand’s works. “I heard she was fanatical in her ideas, which I don't find attractive,” he tells The Moscow Times. But, he adds, he became interested in Rand’s impact on economic theory after recently discovering libertarianism.

At the start of the conference, only about a third of attendees raise their hands when asked if they have read any of Rand’s books.

One possible explanation, says Grigorovskaya, is a cultural shift away from reading, coupled with the length of the author’s novels.

Top 20 Ayn Rand Status in Hindi 2019

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